About Me

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Bedford, Texas, United States
Acupuncture; Chinese Herbal Medicine

Monday, January 19, 2009

Introduction to Chinese Medicine Class - 2009

What: Introduction to Chinese Medicine Class
When; Saturday; Feb 7, 14, 21 2009; 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Who: Anyone interested in learning about Chinese Medicine
Where: Meridian Harmonics Clinic
Why: To help those who want to help themselves
Registration fee: $60


Mark your calendars. Beginning Feb 7, 2009, an introductory class on Chinese medicine will be held at the clinic taught by Mark Tryling. The class will run for three consecutive Saturdays for a total of 6 hours of class time. The class size will be limited to 10 students, to allow for in-depth discussion of topics, self-assessment, practical case studies and workbook exercises. Each student will receive lecture notes and handouts, along with an individual Chinese pulse and tongue reading and diagnosis. You don't have to be a current patient to register for this class. If you know someone that is interested in learning about Chinese medicine, invite him or her to register and attend this class.

For those who want to further their knowledge and have completed the Intro class, I will do another class on Chinese Food Energetics and Asian Nutrition later on in the spring.

History of Chinese Medicine
Basic Concepts – Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood, Body Fluids, Essence
5 Element Theories
Chinese Organ Theory & Functions
Acupuncture Meridian Theory
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Personal Body Constitutional Assessment
Case Studies

Bibliography (For your information)
Between Heaven and Earth by Harriet Beinfield, Efrem Korngold
The Web that has no Weaver by Ted J. Kaptchuk